School Procedures


When your child is away from school, an explanation is required before 10am on the day to avoid receiving a phone call or message via the Compass App (this is a Department of Education requirement). If your child returns home during the day without permission please contact the school immediately.

Bus Travel

Two town bus services and several 'out of town' bus services are available for school students. Please contact the office if you need further information as a "bus pass" is required.

The school's own mini bus has a policy for its use below.

Emergency Information

In case of accident or illness, it may be necessary to contact you in a hurry. As a result you will be asked to complete a Confidential Student Information Form when enrolling which should include emergency contacts.

Mobile Phones

The school has an existing mobile phone policy. Students are NOT permitted to have mobile phones at school unless notification and arrangements have been made by the parents via the Principal

Picking Children Up From School

If you wish to pick your child up from school before the end of the school day it is essential that you visit the office and sign them out. This assists us in managing any emergencies.

View our School Policies

Our Policies & Procedures